美国Gast Manufacturing 智能空气技术设备制造商

美国Gast Manufacturing 智能空气技术设备制造商

品牌简介: 美国GASTMANUFACTURING公司自1921年以来已设计和制造高质量的空气移动的产品。GAST MANUFACTURING的真空泵,压缩机,空调电机,齿轮减速电机,真空发生器,再生式鼓风机和智能空气技术符合全球的原始设备制造商和比较终用户的许多具有挑战性的应用。英国Fenner 美国GAST MANUFACTURING GAST...



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美国GASTMANUFACTURING公司自1921年以来已设计和制造高质量的空气移动的产品。GAST MANUFACTURING的真空泵,压缩机,空调电机,齿轮减速电机,真空发生器,再生式鼓风机和智能空气技术符合全球的原始设备制造商和比较终用户的许多具有挑战性的应用。英国Fenner
美国Gast Manufacturing 智能空气技术设备制造商美国GAST MANUFACTURING
GAST MANUFACTURING旋片式空气压缩机和真空泵用在全世界成千上万的应用。无油润滑,电机安装和单独的驱动器的风格,他们提供了一个广泛的选择能力。
GAST MANUFACTURING无油摇摆往复活塞空气压缩机和真空泵,提供标准,双和微型风格出色的性能和灵活性,使他们数百个应用程序的理想选择。美国GAI-Tronics
GAST MANUFACTURING活塞空气压缩机和真空泵用于关键的内部零件耐腐蚀材料,能够承受比较严苛的作业条件。环设计提供了一致的流动整个单位的使用寿命。所有型号都无油和电机式或单独的驱动器样式。
GAST MANUFACTURING真空发生器:对于那些可能不是优选定期真空泵真空应用,加斯特真空发生器提供了一个极好的选择。美国GRACO
GAST MANUFACTURING线性泵:对于应用要求非常安静,高效的操作和维护简单,加斯特的无油线性泵已经广泛使用在医疗,工业,化学,环境,和科学行业。结构紧凑,安静的真空或压力源。膜片式空气压缩机和真空泵,它有标准的,双和微型风格。塑料部件上的微型泵的建设,使他们特别是结构紧凑,重量轻...轻型应用的理想选择。
GAST MANUFACTURIN减速电机广泛适用于冶金、矿山、轻工、化工钢铁、水泥、印刷、制糖、食品、桷胶、酱菜、建筑、起重运输、风机等行业,并可供引进设备配套。

Nearly a century of quality air-moving history

Since 1921, Gast Manufacturing, Inc. has been designing and manufacturing quality air-moving products. Our vacuum pumps, compressors, air motors, gear motors, vacuum generators, regenerative blowers and Smart Air technology meet the many challenging applications of OEMs and end-users worldwide. For industrial manufacturing, health care lab, or environmental cleanup applications, Gast provides a full range of ideally suited and cost-effective solutions to any pneumatic problem.

Full product portfolio

In 1998, Gast was acquired by IDEX Corporation and is part of the IDEX Health Science Technologies segment. IDEX, an acronym for Innovation, Diversity and EXcellence, manufactures proprietary pump products, dispensing equipment, and other engineered products for a variety of global markets.

In 2006, Gast acquired JUN-AIR, the leading provider of quiet compressors for laboratories, dental clinics, medical, beverage, graphic and industrial applications worldwide. As a result, our customers can take advantage of the broad product portfolios of both companies to solve their application requirements from the component level through complete compressor solutions.德国ALFRED JAGER

Global reach

Gast is an international supplier with manufacturing and logistical facilities located regionally in support of our global customers. We are committed to conforming to global manufacturing standards in the areas of health, safety, environmental, and consumer protection.

Expertise, quality, and customer service

At Gast, we are proud of our 90-year history of leadership in the design and manufacture of high-quality air-moving products. We are even more proud of the positive impact we make on our customers products. Achieving a leadership position in a complex industry is not a simple task. We have done it by adhering to some simple principles: understand the industry better than anyone else, make better products than anyone else, and serve the customer better than anyone else.

美国Gast Manufacturing 智能空气技术设备制造商


