瑞士BIAX工具 专业生产电动工具/电动刮刀/气动工具

瑞士BIAX工具 专业生产电动工具/电动刮刀/气动工具

品牌简介: 瑞士BIAX工具替代了传统的刮研方式,效率更高,更准确,更安全 ,用于铸钢,硬质铸铁,可锻铸铁以及其他金属、非金属材料的加工等 。BIAX工具包括:BIAX电动剪、BIAX电动锉、BIAX电动锯、BIAX电动磨光机、BIAX电动刮刀 。 The BIAX-Maschinen GmbH was found...



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瑞士BIAX工具替代了传统的刮研方式,效率更高,更准确,更安全 ,用于铸钢,硬质铸铁,可锻铸铁以及其他金属、非金属材料的加工等 。BIAX工具包括:BIAX电动剪、BIAX电动锉、BIAX电动锯、BIAX电动磨光机、BIAX电动刮刀

The BIAX-Maschinen GmbH was founded in 1965 in Steckborn (CH) as a stand alone company. From the start the BIAX-Maschinen GmbH was responsible for the development and production of our BIAX scraper products and their worldwide sales in more than 40 countries. Also the sales of the brands BIAX Professional Power, BIAX tungsten carbide tools and EFA meat processing machines are regular components of Biax Swiss. In the year 1998 the Swiss production line was extended by pneumatic saws and pneumatic filers.德国BIJUR DELIMON

Since the year 2001 the BIAX-Maschinen GmbH is located in Neuhausen, canton Schaffhausen. In addition to the development and production of our scraper products, BIAX Maschinen GmbH (Neuhausen CH) started the production and sales of the BIAX burrs of tungsten carbides in 2003. Like the other BIAX companies the BIAX-Maschinen GmbH, Swiss is DIN EN ISO 9001 certified since 2004.GAI-Tronics工业电话机


瑞士BIAX 相关产品:BFI火检探头


