JENAER - 德国JENAER 光学坐标测量技术研究中心

JENAER - 德国JENAER 光学坐标测量技术研究中心

品牌简介: 德国JENAER 光学坐标测量技术研究中心JENAER公司(德国)始建于1996年,通过分拆部光学坐标测量技术研究中心的卡尔·蔡司耶拿公司在东德的图林根州经济影响深远的重组框架。除了的技术设施,耶拿MEßTECHNIK有限公司可以采取全面蔡司诀窍,特别是多项使用权。HYDAC贺德克...



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德国JENAER 光学坐标测量技术研究中心JENAER公司(德国)始建于1996年,通过分拆部光学坐标测量技术研究中心的卡尔·蔡司耶拿公司在东德的图林根州经济影响深远的重组框架。除了的技术设施,耶拿MEßTECHNIK有限公司可以采取全面蔡司诀窍,特别是多项使用权。 HYDAC贺德克
  德国JENAER 光学坐标测量技术研究中心


激光距离测量系统 ZLM 500/700/800/900所有激光interferometrisch的可拆卸的测量任务: 距离,位置,速度,振动,加速度,角度,直线度,垂直度,平整度,对齐,数控校准,位置控制,运动控制 来源辐射 (频率稳定的激光红ZL 600,绿色,ZL 543 ZL 594,黄色等) 特殊光学 (激光干涉仪,准直透镜,测量镜) 温度测量 精度温度测量仪器TEMP12的温度监测TEMP14 微电子生产,校准实验室等 精密温度传感器(NTC/PT10000) 所有的测量任务(空气,表面,液体,设备安装)-200°C至450°C 特殊的测量和试验设备 扭力测试台的汽车产业和汽车零部件供应商 光纤传感器系统 的监测和分析,建筑,桥梁,风力涡轮机,道路 JENAER产品型号: -ZL600、ZLM700 / ZLM800 / ZLM900 /、TEMP14 / TEMP14 Platinum / ZTM... NTC / PT10000、ZL600、 LT-ARS、ZFM407、ZDP507、 ZPA300、 ZBA750 / ZBA850、 ZLP200

Our company was founded in 1996 in the framework of the far-reaching restructuring of East Germany and the Thuringian economy through spin-off of the Department of optical coordinate measuring technology from the research center of Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH. In addition to the sophisticated technical facilities, the JENAer Meßtechnik GmbH could adopt comprehensive ZEISS know-how, in particular the right to use several patents. IBSO工控机

We have about:

30 Years of experience in the construction of laser interferometers extensive knowledge of research on innovative areas Special high-quality equipment extensive experience in all areas of laser metrology

Company purpose:

Production, sales, service, application and project planning in the field of laser interferometry and high-accuracy temperature measurements Development, construction of special lenses for the interferometry, laser calibration, and the machine tool measurement Engineering and technical consultancy in special engineering Equipment supplier for the micro and nano electronics industry General mechanical analysis (calibration) Customer-oriented development, consulting and assessments。美国MKS

Products: Laser Distance Measurement Systems 

ZLM 500/700/800/900 for all laser-interferometrisch detachable measuring tasks:

Distance, position, speed, vibration, acceleration, angle, straightness, squareness, flatness, alignment, CNC calibration, position control, motion controlSources of radiation(frequency stabilized laser red ZL 600, green, ZL 543, yellow ZL 594 etc.) Special Optics (Interferometer, collimating lenses, measurement mirrors)Temperature measurement 

Precision temperature measuring instruments TEMP12 and TEMP14

Temperature monitoring in the microelectronics production, calibration laboratories, etc.Precision temperature sensor (NTC/PT10000) for all measuring tasks (air, surface, liquids, device installation)-200 °C to 450 °CSpecial measurement and test equipment - ZDPTorque test bench for automotive industry and automotive suppliers Fiber optical sensor systems 

Monitoring and analysis of buildings, bridges, wind turbines, roads。意大利PALAZZOLI

JENAER - 德国JENAER 光学坐标测量技术研究中心

德国JENAER 温度传感器

所属系列:温度/湿度传感器 执行标准:国标 产品价格:电议 产地厂家:德国 产品用途: 精度温度测量仪器 查看详细 >>
JENAER - 德国JENAER 光学坐标测量技术研究中心

德国JENAER 激光测量仪

所属系列:红外/激光 执行标准:国标 产品价格:电议 产地厂家:德国 产品用途:激光距离测量系统 查看详细 >>
